2023 Goal Exceeded

What an exciting year! KindRaiser’s 2023 goal was to make multiple donations by the close of the year while also, building a strong giving foundation for 2024. With community and customer support, KindRaiser exceeded its philanthropic goal by ~18%.

KindRaiser’s mission is to make incremental donations to individual’s fundraising for causes they feel passionate about.

We believe passion and kindness must be the engine for change and recognize fundraising is a means for making that difference.

At the close of quarter four 2023; demonstrating its mission, KindRaiser made donations to individuals fundraising for the following Not-for-profits [501(C)3]

·       American Lung Association (https://www.lung.org/)

·       World's Children (https://www.worldschildren.org/

·       The ALS Therapy Development Institute (https://www.als.net/)

·       Alzheimer’s Association (https://www.alz.org/)

Each donation was made on behalf of KindRaiser to an individual’s fundraising page with the simple messaging. Thank you for following your passion, keep up the amazing work and being part of positive change.

Gearing up for 2024; KindRaiser will continue selling our decadent breads at local farmer’s markets and expand our product line to include branded merchandise. Additionally, we’ll continue to accept direct donations with 100% of the proceeds going into philanthropy.

KindRaiser’s 2024 goal is to close each quarter making multiple donations, supporting amazing people, doing amazing things!

If you have questions or interested in learning more, please contact us at: togetherkindraise@gmail.com


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