More Than Selling

Today’s Farmer’s Market was a success and not because we sold out of our decadent breads. Every conversation at the market gives me the opportunity to connect with someone at the intersection of “what is KindRaiser” and “why kindness matters”. The items I sell grant me time with a perfect stranger to talk about the mission of KindRaiser. It’s an amazing moment when I see it click. Today, through these conversations, I learned of a non-for-profit created in the name of someone’s father who passed from heart disease. A daughter who is creating hope in the honor of her father. Also, how the Northwest Scots Honor Guard (NFP) [] raised money to cover the burial expenses for deceased veterans.

I’m thankful for these moments, when I learn about how others are igniting kindness to follow a passion to make a difference. Yes, in deed, I call that a very successful day at the market! Not to mention, life size Emmet stopped by to say hello ;) - I think Gavin was a bit star-struck :)


2023 Goal Exceeded