How to KindRaise
When creating KindRaiser, it was super clear why I wanted to create a giving organization. Many of us who fundraise are doing this to support a cause close to our heart. Over time asking for money becomes the focus and we become consumed with how to raise funds. It goes without saying raising money is an absolute necessity to drive change. However, what is even more important is keeping the passion for change font-and-center.
I plan to sell goods, earmark 80% for making donations toward individuals who are fundraising. I want to shine a light on the passion that drives people to get involved, imagine what could be accomplished if we didn’t give into fundraising burdens.
With the support of an amazing local baker, I’m selling products a local Farmer’s Market on specific dates through the end of the year. These events allow KindRaiser to build up its philanthropy capacities.
We’re taking orders in advance through Sunday October 8th, (noon pst).
Email or call to place your order today.